Okay- I get that I may seem a bit obsessed with the bathroom shots but really the shower was fascinating and yet so difficult to describe. I got pretty good at managing the heat and volume. If you are wondering what the red bucket on the back of the toilet is for just ask me when you see me. Poor Neil- I asked him while we were out shopping and he graciously told me but the look on his face was priceless (how did I end up being the one she asked said his face?)
Taxi Cabs Philippine style
This belongs to the husband of one our patients. He drove her to treatment in it and then gave a group of our teammates a ride they all seemed to enjoy. (at least it wasn't raining when they rode)
Called a Jitney- not sure of the spelling but they are all over and no two seem to be decorated the same. This one is pretty conservative comapred to the others. Fortunately no one who lives there is very tall so they don't bump their head when they board (like I would) Big city, little city- they are everywhere
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